Robert Butler Paintings
These paintings by Florida Landscape artist Robert Butler are primarily for your enjoyment, but on occasion we do sell a painting, or will consider purchasing that special piece. Please contact us if you are interested in Robert Butler Paintings For Sale.JIM FITCH - ACQUISITION AGENT - FLORIDA MASTERS COLLECTION
"Most artists reach a time in their career that is acknowledged as the most defining of their entire body of work. Robert Butler's paintings from the mid 1960's to the latter half of the 1970's will undoubtedly be recognized as his strongest. I refer to it as his "Okeechobee Period."
Robert Butler, 9/25/43 - 3/19/2014 , Robert Butler was best known a postwar contemporary artist.He was a member of the well known African American artist group the , Highwaymen. Mr. Butler was born in a small farming community of Baxley, Georgia on September 25th 1943. Raised by his mother Annie Talifer Butler, who always took time to instill the principles of faith and compassion in her family. Butler considered his upbringing as “ Classic American “. In 1947, Butler moved to Okeechobee, Florida , where he later became intimately familiar with the woods and waters of the Florida Everglades and especially Lake Okeechobee, that featured prominently in his paintings. Robert Butler’s goal in his paintings , was to preserve the nature around him, which was easily accessible due to his location. The inspiration for the context of his paintings, was drawn from those various landscapes. His professional career began in 1968. In the early days, he often sold his paintings door to door, or on the roadside . So, the term “Highwaymen” , which Butler help coin, for his category of artists was given due to their method of producing paintings and the traveling along the highways of Florida to sell there paintings for a living. He honed his skills by creating upwards of 100 paintings per year.
Please contact us for Robert Butler Paintings For Sale.

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